We live in modern times and including aesthetics in a medical or surgical practice is a natural progression in any ophthalmology practice. An ophthalmologist is already an expert in areas around eyes, eyelids and eyelashes. As a branch of medical science on its own ophthalmology includes various aesthetic aspects in it.
The area around the eyes is a part of the face than can make a person look rested or tied or youthful or aged or happy or angry. Many expressions revolve around the eyes. Having an additional training and expertise in facial aesthetics especially around the areas involving the eyes given an ophthalmologist an edge over others because now they can offer a more holistic treatment advice to patients giving them more satisfaction and benefitting from a better patient retention.
Most patients who reach out to an ophthalmologist come with problems in vision because of various reasons such as ageing, sagging skin etc. Change of glasses, refractive surgery, cataract surgery , lasers, etc. There are very few ophthalmologists today who actually encourage their patients to talk about the wrinkles around the eyes, ptosis, lax skin around the periocular area. It is a domain where the presence of expert ophthalmologist is seriously lacking and their place has been taken by dermatologist, cosmetic surgeons and even plastic surgeons.
Some facts
Eyes play an essential role in human appearance and the centuries of poems and songs that we have been hearing about eyes are not in vain. Eyes have been and are still the most praised about part of the human body. And there has been a steep rise in the number of people seeking cosmetic and aesthetic procedures for eye rejuvenation worldwide including India.
- Blepharoplasty tops the charts as the world’s most popular cosmetic surgery with a score of 14.5% in the year 2019. This share is expected to grow to a CAGR of 5.8% by the ear 2026
- The total number of surgical and nonsurgical periocular procedures is about 20 million per year.
- Only less than 8% of the aesthetic cosmetics procedure for periocular area are performed by ophthalmologist.
The first person to use Botox for cosmetic purposes was an ophthalmologist but unfortunately over the years this domain has been lost. There is an immense potential for top ophthalmologist in India in this field. There is a mind-boggling demand of fillers and botulinum toxin experts and this is the right time for ophthalmologists to take their rightful place in this sphere by augmenting their knowledge with best facial aesthetic courses in India.
Facial aesthetics have become an essential component of an ophthalmology practice and more and more patients are expecting their ophthalmologist for guidance and advice for improving the appearance of skin. Unfortunately, general ophthalmologists don’t have the expertise in answering with the correct options and end up losing patients.
Here is how the facial aesthetic courses for ophthalmologist in India will help them
- Traditional revenue streams have become a passé; including periocular aesthetics in the practice is the out of the box thinking and revenue boost that the practice might need.
- Better patient retention: Who doesn’t love a doctor who can correct their vision problem and at the same time improve the appearance of eyes. Being an expert in facial aesthetics gives the ophthalmologist an edge over the competition. Clients who benefit from non-surgical procedures such as Botox, fillers, chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing etc. return for booster and maintenance treatments often and thus the practice expands.
- Ophthalmologists already have an experience in the use of lasers and therefore can easily expand their practice to include various practices like laser skin resurfacing, ultherapy etc. honing their skill through a facial aesthetics certification course in Mumbai.
- Aesthetic treatments like give a younger and more refreshed look to the eyes taking years off the face. Ophthalmologist can easily use their expertise to help the patients get rid of puffy eyes, sagging skin around the eyes, baggy eyelids, fine line and wrinkles etc.
What you get from collaborating with International Academy of Facial Cosmetic Surgery
Our facials cosmetic surgery training in Mumbai will provide you with the skills that you will need to restore and enhance the function and appearance of eyes while keeping the safely of the eyes in mind. Our Botox, dermal filler certifications include detailed aesthetic and functional training guides that will help you select the proper procedures based on the patient’s conditions.
All our facial cosmetic surgery certification courses include hand-on- training under the guidance of our expert trainers Best Plastic Surgeon in India – Dr Debraj Shome, Best Dermatologist in Mumbai – Dr Rinky Kapoor and Dr Sapna Vadera. They will give you a deep insight of the various aspects of ageing and skin conditions. Non-surgical cosmetic surgery procedures included in our facial aesthetic treatment courses are simple, convenient and results are visible immediately.
Facial aesthetic courses in Mumbai at the IAFCS also include pointers on
- Patient management and selection
- Staff training
- Practice setup
- Marketing
With more and more patients opting for non-surgical aesthetic treatments with high expectations and no room for error, it is time for the ophthalmologist practices to upgrade themselves and include upscale aesthetic environment, trained staff and seamless patient experience. Which is why the facial aesthetic surgery courses are perfect for your practice.